In recent memory, I have noticed several conversations involving the idiosyncrasies of words.  Quoting these thoughts:

“They have the ability to build a person up, as well as the ability to tear someone down.”

“They are only words….”

“Words are more powerful than the sword.”

Photo Credit Meija Eller

I stopped to consider all of this.  How much influence can words really have?  Are they really more powerful than the sword, which has the ability to injure, cause fear, manipulate, and give a sense of protection?  Well….yes, they do.   How often do we spout off at the mouth, barely giving our brains the chance to catch up? I know I’m guilty.  I often say something intending one thing, and later consider how it may have come across.  I think I have sometimes caused real hurt.   It’s the classic “open mouth-insert foot” predicament with destructive results.

Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken. –Orson Rega Card

As a writer, I am particularly fond of words.  I enjoy the way written Expressions, without tone or inflection, can paint a scene and create a mood.  Words can be warm and comforting, beautiful and haunting, poetic and callous.  Writing allows us the privilege of thought first, words second.  You can carefully manipulate how you wish a thought to come across.  This is not always the case in conversation.

Out of curiosity, how many times have we witnessed tired and cranky adults flip out at their tired and cranky kids as they are waiting in line for a resort bus at 1 a.m.?  Now, I’m not about to analyze anyone’s parenting, nor am I going to deny my own love for evening Extra Magic Hours (even with my children), but I am going to advocate that proper word choice could be of some value in situations such as these.  When we plan a Disney vacation with family, we are planning for fun and quality time.  The last thing we would want to do is injure our own precious children with hurtful words, yet so many do.  Everyone is tired.  Children will function as they are able; adults ought to act like grown-ups.

Children.  Disney parks are just full of them.  It always makes my skin itch when I hear a grumpy person swear loudly in earshot of children.  Disney is good, but the place hasn’t achieved the ability to protect the unsullied by bleeping out indignant guests or making them have voice bubbles above their heads that say, “#@^*&!” Frustration seems to have a mind-melting side effect. I wish they would take a chill pill and go nap by a pool before things get out of hand.

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care, for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill. –Buddha

Ok, getting off my soapbox.  What has prompted this exploration of words, though, is an incident that occurred fairly recently.  A father acted unreasonably and accosted a Disney bus driver.

I simply have a hard time understanding this type of behavior.  Disney is a place to escape and enjoy the virtue of a fairy tale, the simplicity of a Tom Sawyer life, the romance of a turn-of-the-century town and the excitement of a future of possibilities.  All of these experiences bring every walk of life together in a small, small world.  Chances are someone would have politely given up a seat for the parent holding the baby.  In my experience anyway, folks are really pretty mannerly in Disney.  It’s all that magic that does it, I assume.  Still, anger is a part of life, plain and simple, but never is it acceptable to turn to violent commands.  Suddenly, one person’s limitations can have a very profound effect on another’s experience…and innocence.

If you think little of a person, you ought to say as little as you think. –Benjamin Franklin

Ben Franklin also said that God made beer because we are loved and wished to be happy.  Smart man.  Think about it, though.  If somebody is getting on your last nerve, or a bus driver doesn’t give you a seat, wait a moment.  This too shall pass.  Don’t allow the inconsiderate behavior of another control your magical vacation.  That allows them way too much power.  Unfortunately, we can’t manage all those around us, but we can control our own reactions.  We don’t have to let anyone ruin our Disney experience.  If we are traveling with children, it is just that kind of grace-filled reaction that will have them learning from our performance and thriving.

One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say. –Will Durant

As I tell my daughters (regularly…one day they’ll absorb this message), if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.  I wish this was a mantra for everyone visiting Disney, but at least we who have embraced the Disney Driven Lifestyle can do our part and be intentional about spreading pixie dust!  Who knows, it may just catch on!

{Title is a quote by Ira Glassen}

Contributed by: Ami B. (NDM#381) Ami is the DDL Ethics and Marriage Blogger. She is also the creator of Disney Park Goddess.

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