The theme for the 2005 EPCOT International Flower and Garden Festival was fun – there were 50 “hidden Mickeys” scattered throughout the park, and it was our mission as guests to find each and every one of them.  Well, I didn’t find ALL of them – I think I ended up with 46, which is not bad considering all the nooks and crannies there are in EPCOT to hide things!  Some were pretty obvious, while others took patience and a keen eye to be able to detect.  I found this one in the bottom of a “backyard pond” that had been set up near Mission: Space.  I nearly passed it right by because the water was reflecting the sun so brightly, but there’s a big tree over there that cast some momentary shade and suddenly – there it was.

For more “hidden Mickeys”, both intentional and accidental, CLICK HERE.

Contributed by: Erin is one of our roaming DDL photographers and creator of My Mobile Adventures.

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