Here is the fifth episode of The Disney Driven Life’s broadcast, Inner Mouse. In this week’s show, Scott, John, and JL are joined by guest host, Nicole Siscaretti to discuss the Walt Disney World Resort’s Moms Panel, its application process, and how to survive the bumpy ride.
Show notes
JeniLynn was born and raised in South Florida. Being so close to Walt Disney World, she grew up regularly visiting the Mouse and developed a fascination with the creativity of Disney Parks. Noticing that her happiest moments seemed to always take place in Walt Disney World, JeniLynn began trying to recreate the magic of Disney in her everyday life beginning in her pre-teen years. Adulthood, sixteen years of marriage, and three children later, JeniLynn continues to lead a Disney Driven Life and diligently works to pass her love for Disney on to her husband and children. She has blogged for Touring Plans and been a contributing writer for The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, and she currently co-hosts Orlando Attractions Magazine: The Show; however, her primary focus has always been with the community that has grown around her own site, The Disney Driven Life. Through these venues JeniLynn strives to help other Disney fans stay connected to the brand that has served as a keystone in her family’s life.
I was able to be there to watch the show live and I have to say you all are awesome. I truly enjoyed the show, and I have to say I cried with J.L.’s words of wisdom to stand tall & strong through the Moms panel process. J.L. you really are a great example of leadership, commitment and true Disney spirit!
I will say though it was John that really got the tears flowing on his memories of his cousin, wow talk about powerful and moving!
JL- you rock!! I am in R2 w/ you- I feel so strongly that you are going to the panel this year and I just wanted to say that no matter what happens w/ the next selection process- I will definitely be cheering you on either from the sidelines– or in R3 w/ you. 🙂
JL- If not you, then WHO??! This is your year:)) NDM#126
I really appreciate your constant and consistent support, Shell. I meant every word that I said (even though they were so heavy).
Kim, your words mean everything to me. Thank you so much. Be assured that you have a cheerleader in me as well (regardless of my own outcome).
Your vote of confidence is an ego booster. LOL. I am hoping we cross through the finish line together.
Can I PLEASE hang onto your coattails??