Happy Birthday D23!  It’s been two years since Bob Igor announced the great new Disney fan club and community.  The concept was to engage and involve the fans on a level that the company had never before done.  The first year seemed bumpy to me with little fan engagement, apart from the spectacular D23 Expo and Destination D events.  I wondered when I renewed my subscription if it was worth the “Gold” status when I lived so far from all of the member opportunities; however, the every vigilant Disney team stayed on top of the vision. Year two brought an expansion from events at the Park to include activities taking place in New York and Chicago, with more locations being added.  I thoroughly enjoyed the D23 Bambi screening in Chicago and look forward to attending more member events both at the Parks and in my own town.

My past two years of D23 membership has provided me with a beautifully executed quarterly publication that not only covers what’s happening in the company now but gives all of it’s readers deep looks into the history that has brought Disney to where it stands today.  The best part is that tucked inside my precious D23 magazine box I often find a special member gift designed after cherished pieces in the Disney Archive.  I delight in wondering what the next special gift could be.  My favorite was in the first edition of D23 magazine and is a reproduction of a vintage Disneyland paper fan, sold when the Park first opened.

One of the most exciting editions in year two was the weekly updates on Disney life from D23’s Disney Geek Jeffery Epstien.  Thousands of viewers can now tune in to the light-hearted news of events and productions driven by Disney.  Jeffery takes us around the world showcasing everything that Disney has to offer with the enthusiasm and passion every fan knows well.  In addition to Jeffery’s weekly podcast fans can now tune in to watch the Armchair Archivists as they bring the treasures of the Disney vault to life. Both these great Podcasts help to reach out to the fans and let us get a peek behind the magic curtain.  @DisneyD23 also interacts with the fan community on twitter keeping everyone up to date with the latest information there is.

Another fabulous addition has been that of unique contests that have provided members with the opportunity to win some really great prizes–from a limited edition Snow White Cell to a Trip to Walt Disney Studios and every magical thing in between.  Throughout 2011 the members will continue to get fabulous opportunities to win great Disney Prizes.

Disney’s D23 beginnings two years ago started out slowly, but every year it continues to get better and to offer more and more benefits to its members.  As its community grows, it is able to bring the magic of Disney into our homes and lives, helping us to live a Disney Driven Life all year long.   So, Happy Birthday D23! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store.

Contributed by: Kristen Kirk (NDM#252)  Kristen is the DDL D23 Blogger and creator of The DVC Mom.

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