Poor Wendy! We left her in peril for a whole week. I’m willing to wager a Mickey’s premium ice cream bar that you couldn’t stop reading after she was shot out of the sky! Luckily, she was saved by the “kiss” she had been given earlier by Peter. And the Lost Boys now have a little mother to take care of them. This role of mother is one Wendy takes on quite willingly. She had plenty of practice playing at being a mother back in London and of course she learned from her own mother. Wendy serves as their protector, encourager, affection giver, housekeeper, and storyteller. She makes quite a wonderful home for Peter and the Lost Boys under the ground.
Of course, what story could be worth reading without some adventure along the way? Wendy, Peter and the Lost Boys can’t stay in their cozy little house all the time. Adventures were a common occurrence in Neverland. Barrie seems to be deciding as he is writing what exciting tale to share with us, as there seemed to be ever so many. I love how Barrie invites the reader into the story by speaking directly to you. Didn’t he make you feel as if we were all sitting around the living room and he was telling the stories just for us? I was kind of leaning towards wanting to hear the story about Tinker Bell sending Wendy off to the main land on a giant leaf. Coin tosses being what they are, the lagoon adventure wins. Turns out to definitely be better than Tink dousing Wendy in the ocean!
Mermaids, Marooners’ Rock, pirates, and an Indian princess needing rescue! Now we’re talking adventure! Pan’s cleverness in imitating Hook’s voice saves Tiger Lily from drowning, but also becomes his downfall as he shows off and ends up getting hurt by the evil Captain. We get to see just how superstitious Hook actually is. We also see that Hook does not play fair or by anyone’s expectations. He claws Peter and leaves him for dead. Marooned in the middle of the lagoon with Wendy, Peter shows he cares for her by whisking her off on the kite that happens along. (We couldn’t have little Mother die, now could we?) In the process, he has sacrificed himself and is getting ready to die.
Our hero for this section of the book is an unlikely creature, a mother bird floating along on her nest of eggs. The Never Bird to the rescue! Did you laugh when they yelled back and forth at each other? I sure did. Thankfully, she was able to get her point across and Peter was saved. Of course, Starkey will be missing his hat but Never Birds everywhere will thank Peter for his cleverness in throwing it into the water. The Indians also love Peter after his rescue of Tiger Lily and guard the home under the ground against further pirate invasion.
Safe and sound, Wendy and the boys dance and tell stories late into the night. But Barrie has left us with some foreshadowing that things will not be the same for the Darlings, Lost Boys, or Peter after Wendy tells her good night story. I wonder what she tells them. Can’t wait to find out what happens next!
Reading for week three: Peter Pan and Wendy chapters 11-14
Things to ponder:
- The entry to the house underground required using hollow trees specifically for each person. Why do you think they fit the boy to the tree rather than the tree to the boy?
- When Hook bites Peter, it dazes him. This is a first moment of unfairness for Peter. Why do you think Peter feels betrayed?
- What story do you think Wendy will tell that will bother Peter so much that he would ordinarily leave the room or put his hands over his ears?
Contributed by: Lynnette Johnson (NDM#271) Lynnette is the DDL Book of the Month Blogger.
Lynnette’s love of all things Disney grew out of the close connection it had to good times spent with her family. Whether that was loading up the car to go see the latest Disney film at the drive-in, watching World of Disney every Sunday night together, or pouring over the newest Grolier Disney book to show up in the mail, it always included time spent together. As a native Southern California girl, her family took yearly trips to Disneyland. Those memories gave her a greater love for the Magic that continues today. Lynnette is a mom of two, an elementary school teacher, and avid reader.
Great post Lynnette!! I was not able to read along with this one but your posts and tweets have definitely made me add this one to my Summer reading list. ¸¸.·´ -:¦:-¸¸((¸¸.·´ -:¦:-¸¸ Thanks
Sorry to have you miss this one. (Hope I’m not giving away too much for you!) This will be an excellent summer read. I know you’ll love it!