Mine’s NDM371.  What’s yours?

What – you don’t know what NDP is??  Well it stands for Neurotic Disney Person of course!  When you get counted here at the DDL, you get your very own Neurotic Disney Person number.  Choose from Mom, Dad, Grandmom, Granddad, Wife, Husband, Aunt, Uncle, Individual, Teen or Critter (yes you can even have your pet counted!!).

Why are you still here reading??  Head over and go get counted today!!  All it takes is an email to NDM30 Jackie G in GA with your first name, first initial of your last name, which group you fall into, home state and Twitter handle if you have one.  Once you’re added to the roster, Jackie will send you an email with your number and she’ll also tweet about it so the world will know you’re an NDP!

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