“Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…”

Finding Nemo is one of our favorite Disney movies and Dory is one of my favorite Disney characters. Nemo is also pretty awesome and has such a great adventure in the movie. One big moment for Nemo is his first day of school. The riddle this month has to do with that day. Can you name the three friends Nemo makes that day? This month’s winner will receive a Disney magnet.

Submit your answer by September 30th to ddlriddle@thedisneydrivenlife.com. And don’t forget to go see Finding Nemo this month in a theater near you! Best of luck to you.

Wait, do I know you? Why are you reading this? Are you looking for Fabio?

Contributed by: Sherri Jeffries (NDM#237) Sherri is the DDL Riddler.

Photo Credit: fanpop.com

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