If your children have been watching a lot of Mickey Mouse shows lately, they might be begging you for their very own Mouseketools bags. After searching through the shops and online, you still really don’t know what this is, but they really want one. Well, Mouseketools are what Mickey and friends use to solve their problems. Here are some steps for creating your own.

The Bag
Sure, you could just use any bag that’s lying around the house. However, it’ll be a lot more fun if you purchase the kids Mickey Mouse backpacks to hold their tools. If that’s not in the budget right now, have them make their own bags. They could make small ones with paper bags, or they could use fabric markers to decorate their own bookcase.

Play Tools
Some of the escapades in which Mickey and friends participate involve the use of real tools. Perhaps they are fixing some problems around the house. It’s pretty easy to find play plastic children’s tools as real tools are obviously dangerous for little ones to have on their persons. Another idea is to include some safe real tools in with the plastic ones. For example, a measuring tape from your toolbox generally cannot cause any harm to your children. When you’re fixing something around the house, let little ones “help out.”

School Tools
You can use the creation of your child’s Mouseketools bag to inspire a greater love for learning in him or her. Inside of that very special Mouseketools bag, you can place notebooks, workbooks and all of the writing utensils that a child needs to use during the school day. You can even make it somewhat of a game. When your little one is struggling with a homework assignment, ask how the Mouseketools bag can help him or her out. Your budding learner will likely be eager to reach into the bag to find some suitable supplies. Be sure to explain that your child needs to respect and follow classroom rules when at school.

Imaginary Tools
When your children are very little, it’s likely that they will love to play pretend. Whenever there is a problem around the house, ask them if they have anything in their special Mouseketools bag. The items could range from a spatula to help you with the cake or a hammer to help daddy out with some yard work. In any case, the tools do not actually have to be there; the child can just pretend that they are. You’ll likely need to demonstrate a few times before your toddler understands, but after the learning process, your child will be in for hours of fun.

Mouseketool bags are an intriguing way for children to have something else to do during the age. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind. The age group for this is really quite young and generally ranges from toddlers through early elementary school aged children. You want to make sure they understand that real tools are very, very dangerous and should not be touched.

Jacqueline Torres writes about parenting, education & more at dentalinsurance.net.

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