Attending a Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party is an exciting time. Because of the uniqueness of this event, you want everything to be just right. And the right parade spot can make a huge difference!

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These photos turned out well. All photos taken by NDT 15

The “Boo To You” parade offers so many exciting sights. Characters and performers dominate this cavalcade, offering many great photo opportunities. This is why choosing the right spot is so important. While this parade is offered twice during each party night, you may not want to afford the time from other activities to view the parade again in a better location.


These photos were manageable.


The “Boo To You” parade starts in Frontierland and works its way to Main Street. Generally, we enjoy viewing the performance from Fontierland. The crowds are not near as “deep” as they can get in the Hub area, and by viewing here, we easily head towards the Big Thunder Mountain area as soon as the parade is over.  In previous years, we have sat on the same side of Frontierland as the Country Bear Jamboree, but this year, we found front row seats on the opposite side. Because of the exact spot we chose, across from the Diamond Horseshoe, we caught lighting that we shouldn’t have, and pictures were not as focused or as clear as they could have been. I have video from both locations, filmed in 2010 on the Country Bear side and 2014 on the Rivers of America side. It’s also fun to see the slight, subtle changes in the parade over the years.


The lights….

This is the video from this year across from the Diamond Horseshoe.

This video is from 2010 on the Country Bear Jamboree side of Frontierland.

John, NDI 64, from found a prime spot this year. From Main Street(the Emporium side), looking towards the castle, he caught a beautiful view of the parade with Cinderella’s Castle as a backdrop. We may just have to try that spot next year!

What about you? Do you have a favorite parade spot?

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