Traditions – they are what make your holidays and events special. Adding Disney to those traditions can make your holidays even more magical. Even if you have a tradition that has been passed down for generations, it’s never too late to add a few new fun ones! This month, we will highlight some of our personal family traditions that show off our Disney side. Want to share yours as well? Read December – Holiday Traditions or email NDM130 for more information today!

Another holiday season is upon us and it is time to do the family things that make this season so special. For our family, this includes simple pleasures like putting up our Christmas tree and setting out our decorations. This is always a fun time for our family as many of our decorations and ornaments are gifts from family and friends or have been bought by us for special occasions or trips.

One thing we started doing while we decorate our house is to put on a DVD of the Christmas Fireplace log that plays Christmas music. This is something we do in memory of my Gram who loved the Christmas music. Imagine my surprise a few years ago when my online Disney friends led me to discover a Disney version of the Christmas Fireplace called Disney’s “Magical Fireplace” complete with Disney Christmas music and surprise bits of Magic! I immediately tried to order the DVD from the Disney website, but alas, the DVD was only available to people living in the U.S.A (I live in Canada) I contacted Disney directly to explain I was willing to pay extra for the shipping but unfortunately they were still unable to send me the DVD.magical fireplace

Sadly, I posted on Facebook that I was unable to order myself this DVD and immediately one of my online friends messaged me and offered to order it herself and mail it to me. I was overcome with gratitude and emotionally accepted her sweet offer. A few weeks later I received my Disney Christmas Fireplace DVD and it has become our family tradition to play it while we decorate our tree and house to add a bit of Disney magic to our Canadian Christmas. Many many thanks still go out to my Disney friend Susan who shared some Pixie Dust with me and my family.

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