The exclusive look at TOMORROWLAND that aired during the Big Game is now available.
Additionally, Disney and Google have partnered to create Take Me To Tomorrowland, a multi-sensorial teaser experience on both mobile and desktop. Please visit the site at TakeMeToTomorrowland.com or use Google Voice Search technology (“OK Google, Take me to Tomorrowland”) for your first in-depth glimpse of Tomorrowland. The full site launches this spring, and will transport audiences into an unprecedented 360° Tomorrowland environment.
TOMORROWLAND opens in theaters May 22, 2015!
A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin’ wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney 🙂 Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. A firm believer in the Power of Pixie Dust, she is the owner of The Disney Driven Life – A Community for Neurotic Disney People & a d.i.y. crafty blog, Carousel of Projects – create~inspire~share.