I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to get back to Disney World. Every time I start to do the math I draw the same conclusion. It is just too expensive to take the family down to Florida for a WDW vacation. When I tally airfare, lodging and meals I’m already feeling the pain. Then there are tickets that have to be purchased. By this time I need an oxygen mask. If I gaze upon the final numbers which also include pet care I find myself a wee bit dizzy. What do I do when I truly want to go to Disney but the reality of my situation keeps me from taking a credit card plunge. I will turn to my ultimate Disney dream. Going by myself.

Yes, you read that. I would dare to go to Walt Disney World in Florida all by myself. No husband. No children. Just me.

Here are some very good reasons why this is a good idea.

1) It is much cheaper to travel alone. I’m purchasing a roundtrip airfare for one person. I’m purchasing park tickets for just one. I can eat what I want, when I want.

2) I can be at the park at rope drop. I’m a morning person. Waking up super early is not a problem.

3) I can waltz through the park entrance. No bag check. Since it is only me no need for a bag that only contains stuff my family needs. I’ll wear cargo pants that will fit a phone and a credit card. That’s it.

Reality check. How in the world am I going to get away with this? Here’s my fantasy:
1) Pretend I’m going to work. I’ll leave the house an hour earlier than usual. Drive straight to the airport. Take the 6:30am flight to Orlando. Arrive in Orlando 9:30am.

2) Get a taxi. Proceed straight to Magic Kingdom. I figure I’ve only got this one day so it has be just one park. (Don’t forget to call in sick to work.)
Assuming the park opens at 8am, I will have missed rope drop. That would be disappointing. It is something I’ve always wanted to do. However, I’m having this fantasy day during the off peak season so crowds shouldn’t be an issue.

3) Spend the whole day. If park closes at 7pm then head back to the airport. Take first flight back home. Drive home from airport. Explain to family had to work late.

Double reality check. What if my family finds out?
1) Explain to darling husband that I’m having some kind of a mid life crisis and that a trip to WDW is doctor’s orders.

2) Remind darling husband that he’s the one who doesn’t really love Disney. I’m actually saving him money by going alone.

3) Explain to children that they really didn’t miss anything. I rode all the attractions they are too scared to ride anyway. And I didn’t stay in a hotel so they would not have missed the pool.

4) Furthermore I ate at the California Grill and there’s nothing on the menu they would eat.

Upon further review I find this fantasy day trip perfectly plausible and highly do-able. However, I know in my heart I couldn’t execute my highly precise plan. I couldn’t leave my girls behind. My twin girls are polar opposites when it comes to Disney. One doesn’t want to return. But the other child is as much of a Neurotic Disney Person as I. My day a the Magic Kingdom, although fabulous would be tinged with regret if she weren’t there to share the joy with me. She would be up for it. I can see her joining me on this ‘Thelma and Louise’ style escape. But I couldn’t pull her out of school just to indulge my secret need to return to Disney. I know the right opportunity will come along at some point. And when it does, she and I will be on that 6:30am flight.


2 thoughts on “How to escape your life and go to Disney

  1. As a frequent solo traveler (probably 80% of my trips are solo), I love this plan! It’s a bit easier for me being childfree, but I say go for it!

  2. This would be great, and I agree Magic Kingdom would be the one park to visit if you could only do one. But I’d have to stay more than one day, and at least go to EPCOT. Still, a one long day there and back would be fun to try.

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