Disney fans vary in how they incorporate Disney into their Christmas celebrations. Some visit the parks each year, take a Disney cruise, things like that. I’d love to do something like that one day (but the parks sure look crowded!). Our Disney Christmas traditions are a lot more low key – and affordable.

With the break from school (but not kids’ activities) we get a little more time to spend together, and we usually watch Disney movies – mostly Pixar, but we’ll mix in classics here and there. We own many of these, but we watch Disney Channel listings and sometimes switch the channel, even if it’s a movie we own and have seen dozens of times. It’s fun to see big kids come in, put down the devices, and sit and watch a show or movie that they’ve supposedly outgrown.

And of course, there’s the upcoming release of The Force Awakens. I’m ready to see it, but I’m going to let the crowds clear out a bit. Maybe we’ll add a Star Wars movie marathon in somewhere.

We have a modest collection of Disney Christmas ornaments. These end up on the tree or around the house, and although some show a little wear (just drop yours a few times and you’ll see), I enjoy seeing them each year. Maybe during our next trip I’ll see about adding some.

Cinderella tree ornament

still a favorite

ready for the ball!

ready for the ball!

Another side benefit to this post was the excuse to get my camera out and work on close in shots. While these photos may not be awesome, getting to practice depth of field and some other things was.

Maybe this year I’ll try a Disney recipe – like Walt’s favorite chili. But I’m not exactly a gourmet cook with a lot of spare time, so I don’t know about that. I do have a pretty good grip on 50’s Prime Time S’mores recipe though.

What are your family’s Disney traditions? Decorating, watching shows and movies, or taking a trip? Let us know!

Here’s hoping you all have a great Christmas and New Year.

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