Spring Break is a great time to catch up on your reading. I love the nice weather outside, and there is nothing better than taking a great book outdoors with you! Disney Publishing sent me a really neat book to review and I can’t wait to share it with you. Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion by Steven Bohls is a steampunk infused adventure about a boy who discovers a whole new world…just by climbing through his dishwasher!
Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion
- page count: 288 * ages: 8-12 years
- available now
Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion is the sequel to Jed and the Junkyard War. This is the final book of this exciting duology, but today let’s just talk about the second book, Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion. I must mention, this is the type of book where you have to read the first book FIRST, or else you will get very confused.
Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion starts right where Jed and the Junkyard War leaves off. This is great because it leaves no room for confusion. You can go from one book straight to the other without missing anything. I like to think of it like binge-watching your favorite TV show.
The main character in the story is Jed, a twelve year old boy who has lost his memory. He needs answers to many important questions. This is scary for him, because he has no idea who he is or if he can trust anyone. Because Jed is strong and brave, he conquers his fear of finding out the truth.
My absolute favorite part of the story was when Jed learned that he had superpowers! I think this adds a pretty cool twist on the story. After reading the first book, I would have never guessed that Jed would have superpowers. I also loved the few illustrations scattered throughout the book. I always think a few simple images help make the story more fascinating.
If you love steampunk infused adventures, this is a series for you! Jed and the Junkyard Rebellion is the perfect adventure book for kids! It will leave on the edge of your seat and definitely wanting more.
I’m NDK, and this is my review!
from the publisher:
With a turn of a key, Jed discovers he’s more (and less) than he could have ever imagined. But as more questions than answers surface, Jed digs deeper into his history-and goes further into himself. Who is his father? Where is his mother? What is this place? How did these dreadnaughts get here? And . . . why is this happening to him? Strange truths, unexpected twists, and powerful revelations unfold as Jed confronts his past and contemplates his future.
Hi! I am the Neurotic Disney Kid – sharing my expert kid-opinion all about everything Disney! My favorite attraction is The Enchanted Tiki Room and my favorite park is Magic Kingdom. I love to read and take pictures!