Avengers EndgameAround this time four years ago, I embarked on my very first Marvel movie adventure.

Yes, I lived under a rock. And yes, I disclosed that in my review.

Since then, I have seen quite a few Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, liking each one more and more. I have grown attached to the storyline and characters, some more than others. You can bet I was ecstatic when I received an invitation for a special screening of Avengers: Endgame. As Thanos continues to demand our silence, don’t think of this as a movie “review.” You already know this will be one good flick. Let’s chat about what it brings to the table, what you need to know before you see it, and most importantly, should your kids see it.

It’s a 3 hour movie

Yes, this is the longest of the Avengers movies. But the 181 minutes are really not that bad. If you sat through Infinity War(2hr 40min) with no problem, you can make it through this one. Pace yourself accordingly – and go easy on the drinks and popcorn. You do NOT want to miss a second of this movie.

The movie starts off (no, I’m not spoiling anything..promise!) slow and detailed. This is necessary and vital, as no stone is left unturned. You are going to want complete closure for every character you can think of in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – and you are going to get that with this movie. You will not have any questions unanswered once this movie is over. Very little is left, if anything, for speculation.

Endgame picks up right where Infinity War left off. The mood is solemn – half of the population has disappeared from “the snap.” People are missing. Avengers are missing. For those that remain, the world is a new place that is hard to navigate. The movie carefully takes you through the emotions and feelings of those who remain, which makes it easy to relate to them. You are right there with the Avengers as they are trying to put the pieces together and rebuild their lives. They have to figure out what happened, what went wrong, and how to fix this problem. This alone makes that 3 hour runtime crucial.

From there, the movie starts to pick up speed. Obviously, they are going to attempt to put the pieces back together(otherwise you wouldn’t have a movie), and you really cannot miss a step. There is sorrow. There is heartbreak. You are guaranteed touching moments. Bring tissues.

Avengers EndgameDo we see all the characters in the movie?

See, that would be a spoiler – can’t. Sorry. But, I will say that those Avengers that survived the snap are in the movie, in one way or another. The inclusion of all these different characters and stories is something I love.  Which leads me to this…

Teamwork, Friendship and Resentment

The teamwork in this story is amazing. The characters pulled on each other strengths, and picked up where others were weak. The humor was still there: the Tony Stark sarcasm, the Rocket & Thor relationship, Captain America jokes. But most importantly, this movie has an exemplary show of teamwork and friendship. There is a lot of love for the family in this movie, and by that I mean, almost each character openly lamented over someone/thing, and it was beautiful. It was good to see the caring and compassionate side and the strengths and loyalties of each character that were in this movie.

The story also touches on how resentment is bad, and how you can learn to trust again, especially after you have been hurt by someone and feel that you cannot trust again. It’s a beautiful lesson on rebuilding trust. Who would ever guess that would all be in an Avengers movie?

Appropropriate for all ages?

Most likely not.

I’ll be honest, my neurotic Disney 11 year old (NDK) has not seen all of the Marvel movies yet. She has read every Marvel book she can get her hands on, but the actual movies, not quite yet. She has recently asked to watch them, and I may let her start this summer, from the beginning. This one brings a higher level of violence, language and mannerisms than you may be used to. It is Endgame, after all. Use your best judgement – you know your smallest Marvel fans the best 🙂

C’mon…Tell me something!!

Stan Lee’s cameo is there – and you will not miss it. Unless you go to the bathroom or something.

Did I mention you will want to bring tissues?

Biggest disappointment?

No end credit scene. That’s right. After 21 movies, absolutely nothing, except for a distinct sound. I honestly have no clue what that could mean, if it means anything at all. But I was sad that nothing was there. So, I will leave you with this …

Go see Avengers: Endgame, and come back and let’s talk. Trust me, you will want to. I will end with this photo in place of no end credit scene. I love this and feel it ends this 11 year, 22 movie saga the best.

Marvel Class Picture 10 year





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