Production has begun on Disney Junior‘s “Alice’s Wonderland Bakery,” a fantastical animated series for preschoolers and their families inspired by the beloved world of “Alice in Wonderland.” Slated to debut in 2022, the series centers on Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original heroine and a budding young baker at the enchanted Wonderland Bakery, where treats bring a new generation of characters together.
“The magic and mischief of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ has been treasured by millions for over a century, and we are delighted to introduce this version of a young Alice and her charming friends to a whole new generation,” D’Ambrosia said. “Inspired by the sense of connection that food brings about—and recipes filled with enchantment and heart—the series will showcase whimsical stories with relatable themes for our Disney Junior audience.”
Geared to kids ages 2-7 and their families, each episode will feature two 11-minute stories about Alice’s recipe adventures with her best pals—Fergie, a white rabbit; Hattie, her madcap friend; and Rosa, the Princess of Hearts. The series will celebrate the culture and creativity of food, highlight self-expression and impart age-appropriate social and emotional lessons about friendship, collaboration and community.
Emmy® nominee Chelsea Beyl (Peabody Award-winning “Doc McStuffins”) serves as executive producer. Frank Montagna (“Elena of Avalor”) is co-executive producer and art director, and Emmy-nominated Nathan Chew (“Elena of Avalor”) is supervising director. Emmy winner John Kavanaugh (“Sofia the First”) is the songwriter/music director, and Matthew Margeson (“Rocketman”) serves as composer. The series is a production of Disney Television Animation.
A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin’ wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney 🙂 Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. A firm believer in the Power of Pixie Dust, she is the owner of The Disney Driven Life – A Community for Neurotic Disney People & a d.i.y. crafty blog, Carousel of Projects – create~inspire~share.