DreamWorks Animation’s The Croods: Family Tree series, inspired by the hit film The Croods: A New Age, has arrived on Peacock and Hulu! The new series features Kelly Marie Tran (Raya and the Last Dragon) as the voice of “Dawn” with Amy Landecker (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts) as “Ugga.” Mark Banker (Go, Dog. Go!) and Todd Grimes (The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants) serve as executive producers.

The Croods: Family Tree continues the ever-evolving story of the Croods and the Bettermans as they learn to live together on the most idyllic farm in prehistory. The journey from sparring rivals to unlikely friends is fraught with hilarious misadventures as the two families slowly overcome their differences to turn a tree house divided into a tree home united.

Check out the below clips to see a glimpse inside the world of Croods!

Tensions are running high between Hope and Ugga as they both strive to be the ultimate moms of the century! But will overstepping boundaries lead Hope to being on the wrong side of history?

Dawn and Eep are in for some real mountain mayhem

Determined to prove their worth on the Betterman farm, the Croods set out to harvest the seriously sticky Bounceberries!


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