A second season of Disney Junior’s “Mickey Mouse Funhouse,” the whimsical new animated series that has captured the hearts of preschoolers and their families, has been greenlit following its successful debut in August. Featuring Disney’s #1 star, Mickey Mouse and his pals—Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto, and new character Funny, the series has garnered nearly 12 million video views on Disney Junior YouTube, with new episodes ranking #1 on the Disney Junior channel. The first six episodes of season one will begin streaming on Disney+ on Wednesday, Nov. 10, with new episodes continuing to debut Fridays on Disney Channel and Disney Junior.

Disney mickey mouse funhouse
The season one guest cast includes John Stamos (“Big Shot”) as Captain Salty Bones, a pirate captain; Richard Kind (“Curb Your Enthusiasm”) as Cheezel, another member of the weasel trio; Jaime Camil (“Jane the Virgin”) as Rocket Mouse, a heroic ‘mouse-stronaut’; and Amanda Seales (“Insecure”) as Annie, a friendly giant. They join the previously announced Jenifer Lewis (ABC’s “black-ish”) as Wheezelene, the leader of the troublemaking weasel trio, and GRAMMY® Award nominee Mickey Guyton as country singer Wanda the Wandrin’ Warbler.

Joe D’Ambrosia, senior vice president, Original Programming and general manager, Disney Junior, said, “The enduring love for Mickey Mouse and friends continues to be shared from generation to generation, and we are eager to provide more opportunities for preschool audiences and their families to connect with these beloved characters. We look forward to showcasing new fun-filled destinations in season two for young viewers to explore and expand their imaginations.”

Geared to kids ages 2-7 and their families, “Mickey Mouse Funhouse” features Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse voiced by Harvey Guillén (“What We Do in the Shadows”), who leads the Sensational Six on magical adventures. The series demonstrates imaginative play and imparts age-appropriate social and emotional lessons about friendship, creativity and ingenuity. Series brand extensions include children’s books, playsets, figures, apparel, plush and home decor, which are currently available at shopDisney.com, Disney store and retailers nationwide.




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