“Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends” follows the adventures of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales as they team up with Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Black Panther to defeat foes like Rhino, Doc Ock and Green Goblin and learn that teamwork is the best way to save the day. Geared towards preschoolers and their families, the Spidey Team models the importance of helping others and highlights themes of friendship, cooperation and problem-solving.
“Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends” features a voice cast of Benjamin Valic as Peter Parker; Lily Sanfelippo as Gwen Stacy; Jakari Fraser as Miles Morales; Dee Bradley Baker as TRACE-E; JP Karliak as Green Goblin; Melanie Minichino as Aunt May; Justin Shenkarow as Rhino; Kelly Ohanian as Doc Ock; Sandra Saad as Ms. Marvel; Tru Valentino as Black Panther
DVD includes 12 episodes and 11 action-packed bonus shorts!
- Spidey to the Power of Three
- Panther Pateince
- Super Hero Hiccups
- Lost and Found
- Doc Ock’s Super Octopus
- Attack of the Green Giggles
- Mother’s Day Mayhem
- Not-So-Fun House
- Trick or TRACE-E
- Bug in the System
- Test Your Super Strength
Bonus Shorts:
- Web-Ster
- S.O.S. Kitty!
- Spidey Mystery
- A Helping Hulk
- Spidey Surprise
- Rock-A-Bye Rhino
- Stop Doc Ock
- The Spidey Team
- Monkeying Around
- Power Practive
- Road Raging Rhino
A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin’ wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney 🙂 Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. A firm believer in the Power of Pixie Dust, she is the owner of The Disney Driven Life – A Community for Neurotic Disney People & a d.i.y. crafty blog, Carousel of Projects – create~inspire~share.