“American Idol,” the iconic series that revolutionized the television landscape by pioneering the music competition genre, returns for a fifth season on ABC and historic 20th season overall. Once again, industry forces and superstar judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie will help determine who America will ultimately vote for to become the next singing sensation. This season, viewers will embark on a nationwide search across Nashville, Tennessee, Austin, Texas, and Los Angeles, California, where the show’s iconic judge auditions will surprise audiences and hopefuls alike with never-before-seen twists and a first-ever Platinum ticket winner. Our judges and Emmy® Award-winning host and producer Ryan Seacrest return for season five of “American Idol,” SUNDAY, FEB. 27 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (TV-PG, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres.
A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin’ wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney 🙂 Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. A firm believer in the Power of Pixie Dust, she is the owner of The Disney Driven Life – A Community for Neurotic Disney People & a d.i.y. crafty blog, Carousel of Projects – create~inspire~share.