Million Stories, the free financial literacy entertainment channel, announced Season 2 of the digital budget travel series, “George Goes Everywhere,” hosted by television writer and YouTube personality George Igoe. Season 2 launched at the end of April and is a show where he explores a city and sees as much of it as he can, all without spending more than $100. George explores some well-known locations, activities, restaurants as well as others that are more obscure. The six new cities (with their premiere date) he visits include Pittsburgh (4/26), Detroit (5/3), Louisville (5/10), Denver (5/17), Phoenix (5/24), Tucson (5/31), and San Diego (6/7).

george goes everywhereJoin along as George dives into local cultures, food, traditions and history and tours cities’ hidden gems, from a Robot Hall of Fame and bar gold panning, to touring a Whisky factory and glassblowing. A New Jersey native, Igoe has worked for shows such as “Family Guy,” “The Cleveland Show,” and was a writer on CBS’ “Mike & Molly.” No stranger to the world of affordable travel, he developed “Rich Travel / Poor Travel,” a show where he traveled first class with frequent flyer miles, then explored the destination city on a micro-budget.

In addition to “George Goes Everywhere,” the free streaming platform offers a diverse slate of series centering around financial literacy, including “Wags to Riches,” an unforgettable docuseries about animal loving entrepreneurs with unique dreams, and how they found a way to make their passion into their career. “Your Brain on Money” where behavioral economists and neuroscientists decode psychological dynamics resulting from 25 million years of human evolution — all so you can make smarter financial decisions. And the upcoming “Heartbroke,” an inspirational series where money-stressed couples are given six weeks to change their relationships with money, and with each other.



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