In celebration of Pride Month, Disney+ has revealed the trailer for the upcoming film “Trevor: The Musical.” Produced by RadicalMedia, “Trevor: The Musical” is a filmed version of the Off-Broadway stage production, which follows a charming 13-year-old force of nature with a vivid imagination. As he deals with becoming a teenager in 1981, Trevor struggles to navigate his own identity and determine how he fits in a challenging world. When an embarrassing incident at school suddenly puts him under the wrong spotlight, Trevor must summon the courage to forge his own path. A deeply moving and funny story of self-discovery and the power of acceptance, “Trevor: The Musical” is about living your best life with lots of passion… and a touch of pizzazz. The musical is based on the 1995 Academy Award-winning short film “Trevor” which ultimately inspired the founding of LGBTQ youth suicide prevention nonprofit The Trevor Project. “Trevor: The Musical” will make its streaming debut Friday, June 24 on Disney+.

Thirteen-year-old Holden William Hagelberger stars as “Trevor” in “Trevor: The Musical.” The 19-member company of “Trevor: The Musical” also features Mark Aguirre, Aaron Alcaraz, Ava Briglia, Sammy Dell, Tyler Joseph Gay, Ellie Kim, Colin Konstanty, Brigg Liberman, Diego Lucano, Alyssa Emily Marvin, Isabel Medina, Echo Deva Picone, Dan Rosales, Aryan Simhadri, Yasmeen Sulieman, Sally Wilfert, Aeriel Williams, and Jarrod Zimmerman.

“Trevor: The Musical” features a book and lyrics by Dan Collins (“Southern Comfort”) and music by Julianne Wick Davis (“Southern Comfort”). Direction is by Marc Bruni (“Beautiful: The Carole King Musical”) and choreography is by Josh Prince (“Beautiful: The Carole King Musical”). “Trevor: The Musical” was lead produced Off Broadway by Roy Furman and John Ambrosino/Josie Bray/Mark Woods. The filmed version of the musical, which will premiere exclusively on Disney+, was directed by Robin Mishkin Abrams. Filming was produced by RadicalMedia with Jon Kamen, Dave Sirulnick, Meredith Bennett, and Jonathan Meyers serving as executive producers. The Academy Award-winning short film “Trevor” was directed by Peggy Rajski, produced by Randy Stone and written by Celeste Lecesne. The World Premiere of “Trevor: The Musical” was produced at The Writers Theatre, Chicago IL.

The Trevor (Original Cast Recording) is available to pre-save and pre-order with two tracks “Overture / Do You Know” and “On With the Show” available to stream now at The full album will be released by Ghostlight Records on June 24.

The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and mental health organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people. The Trevor Project’s crisis counselors are available 24/7 by phone, text, and web chat by visiting The Trevor Project also operates TrevorSpace, an affirming social networking site for LGBTQ young people around the globe.



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