Fresh from the vault… Flashback with a newly discovered childhood TV show – It’s Mr. Crockett’s World! Coming to Hulu.
With toe-tapping melodies and persuasive lyrics, this mystical romp will have children of all ages clapping, dancing and singing along. Let Mr. Crockett and his delightful companions be your child’s guide to a dimension where friendship and control know no boundaries. They’ve never had a friend like him…
A Disney blooded, crafty, fun-lovin’ wife/mom/organizer/planner, etc who is obsessed with all things Disney 🙂 Maria grew up with the Magic Kingdom and has loved watching WDW evolve into what it is today. A firm believer in the Power of Pixie Dust, she is the owner of The Disney Driven Life – A Community for Neurotic Disney People & a d.i.y. crafty blog, Carousel of Projects – create~inspire~share.