“When the crypt goes creak,

And the tombstones quake.

Spooks come out for a swinging wake.

Happy haunts materialize,

And begin to vocalize.

Grim grinning ghosts come out to socialize.”

So sing the happy haunts of The Haunted Mansion.   The imposing house, graveyard, howls and creaks make this one of my favorite attractions.  For the October riddle, I need you to see into the ride, possibly with the help of Madame Leota.  As you are exiting the ride, the bride at the top of the doorway tells you to hurry back.  She also tells you not to forget something.  What is it she wants you to bring back with you?

This month’s winner will receive a Disney trading pin.   Submit your answer by midnight, the witching hour, on Oct. 31st  to ddlriddle@thedisneydrivenlife.com.  Good luck to all and may your treats outnumber your tricks!

Contributed by: Sherri Jeffries (NDM#237) Sherri is the DDL Riddler.

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